Join HabboBites

HabboBites is NOT part of Habbo. Use different passwords!


If you were invited to HabboBites by someone, return the favour by entering their HabboBites username in the referrer box!

We'll reward the both of you with a cool username icon and some Bites points!

Verify your Habbo

This step verifies that you are indeed the Habbo you claim to be.

  • We give you a unique motto to change to
  • If you have the ability to change your motto to the one we gave you, you are who you say you are
  • We've verified your Habbo identity
  • No other members can claim to be your Habbo
  • You may change your motto back to normal

By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Service.

Need a job?
We're hiring! Check our open positions!
You've been invited!

Your friend Armset would like you to join HabboBites! Don't keep them waiting! Here's what you'll get if you sign up today:

  • Armset will be very happy
  • We'll award Armset and you with a special icon
  • We'll award Armset and you with some bites points
What's in for you?
  • Be part of a super-cool community
  • Participate in events and earn credits
  • Get the latest Habbo-related news