Habbo Shop: New Furni Additions
Whilst it might not be original furniture, it's certainly furniture with a twist! Habbo have brought out "Dark" versions of two of their furni lines "Iced" & "Pura"!
It doesn't stop there though, they have made some of the furni available in the "Duckets Shop" with the Mini Bar being 2c+150 Duckets and the rest of the furni being 1c+150 Duckets, habbo is looking out for the new players!
There is however, a wider range of the "Dark" furni under the main furni lines of "Pura" and "Iced" in the catalogue, purchasable with just credits.
I'm keen on the new dark furni, but I'm not sure it will hold it's price for long and will probably be in coin shops, cheaper, very soon!
What do you think of the new dark furni? Leave your comment in the reactions column!